Empowering Content Creation: The Fractional CMO’s Role in Driving Unique Research

In the crowded digital space, which is even more crowded due to the ease of creating content with generative AI, standing out with content that resonates and engages is a significant challenge for businesses. For a fractional CMO, one of the key strategies to overcome this challenge is to drive research that uncovers unique insights, thereby empowering the content teams at their client organizations to create distinct and compelling content.

The ultimate goal of any content strategy is to generate demand and engage the target audience. A fractional CMO plays a pivotal role for the organizations they work for when it comes to bridging the gap between unique data insights and content creation. By providing content teams with access to unique data sets and insights, they can create content that is not only informative and engaging but also aligned with what the audience is actively seeking. This approach ensures that the content not only attracts attention but also drives tangible business results.

Finding Unique Angles through Data

The starting point for a fractional CMO aiming to redefine content strategies is to break away from the norm. Traditional approaches often mimic competitors, leading to a market flooded with similar content. To carve out a unique space, a fractional CMO must advocate for an inward-looking strategy – one that dives into the company’s own rich reservoirs of data to uncover untapped angles and fresh perspectives. This involves more than just a cursory glance; it requires a deep and analytical dive into various data sets to unearth gems of insights that can set the brand apart. Here’s a look at the types of data a fractional CMO should focus on obtaining and analyzing for their teams:

  • Customer Feedback and Surveys:
  • Analyze direct feedback from customer surveys and feedback forms.
  • Monitor online reviews and feedback on third-party platforms.
  • Understand customer pain points, preferences, and experiences.
  • Sales Data and Patterns:
  • Assess sales trends over different time periods.
  • Identify which products or services are most popular and why.
  • Look for patterns in purchasing behaviors and seasonal fluctuations.
  • Social Media Interactions:
  • Monitor conversations, mentions, and hashtags related to your brand and industry.
  • Analyze the sentiment and topics of discussion among your audience.
  • Identify trending topics or frequently asked questions.
  • Website Analytics:
  • Dive into website traffic patterns, popular pages, and visitor behaviors.
  • Understand which content drives the most engagement and conversions.
  • Analyze search terms that bring users to your site.
  • Competitor Analysis:
  • Although the focus is on unique content, understanding what competitors are doing can provide a benchmark.
  • Identify gaps in their content strategies and areas they haven’t covered.
  • Analyze their audience engagement and response to their content.
  • Product Usage Data:
  • If applicable, analyze how customers interact with your products.
  • Look for unique use cases, popular features, or common hurdles.
  • Leverage this data to create content that addresses these specific aspects.
  • Market Research and Industry Reports:
  • Stay informed about broader market trends and industry shifts.
  • Use insights from industry reports to back up your content with authoritative data.
  • Identify emerging trends that competitors haven’t capitalized on yet.

By leveraging these diverse data sets, a fractional CMO can equip their content teams with a wealth of insights and perspectives that go beyond the typical industry echo chamber. This approach not only facilitates the creation of unique and engaging content but also positions the brand as a forward-thinking leader, one that understands and addresses the nuanced needs and interests of its audience.


In a landscape where content is king, the battle for audience attention is intense. As a leader, the fractional CMO, with their high-level strategic overview and access to unique company data, is in a prime position to steer content teams away from the ordinary and towards creating content that truly stands out. By focusing on unique data-driven insights and leveraging proprietary research, they can empower content teams to craft messages that not only capture attention but also resonate deeply with the target audience, ultimately driving engagement and demand.

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